
ride the Waves. {a birth story}

The Highlights: Friday, August 26th Late afternoon - a deep instinct to walk around the...
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a tale of two Stores.

For starters, all that shall follow are my own thoughts and opinions. I do not...
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family Favorites {meal planning 101}.

Breakfast - Overnight Oats Raspberry Vanilla OO - straight up delicious. S'mores OO - a...
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worth the Wait. {a birth story}

worth the Wait. {a birth story}

Eight days. Never before has eight days seemed so long. Well, to be honest, it...
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on identity and Pregnancy.

on identity and Pregnancy.

My husband recently asked me how I understand my main identity right now. The 'proper'...
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a sheep with no Shepherd.

a sheep with no Shepherd.

I have no problem admitting what I am. I have no problem admitting that Jesus,...
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as a little bunny always Said...

"If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all!" Okay, I know it...
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the little things Matter.

the little things Matter.

Recently I had a chance to be featured on the Zelie & Co. Instagram page...
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simpler Joys.

simpler Joys.

Since I sat down and attempted to write this blog, I've wiped runny noses, kissed...
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one beautiful Dream {book review}

one beautiful Dream {book review}

I can hardly remember the last time I just couldn't put a book down. Come...
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when scripture punches the Gut.

when scripture punches the Gut.

"Clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for: God opposes the proud...
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a blessing, Period.

Somehow it has been weeks since I've written a new blog. Why? Two real reasons,...
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