
the glory of the Lord...

…is man fully alive. – St. Iranaeus

Cover releasedToday is the day that changes everything!

…I’ll be honest, I’m pre-writing this post the day before the release. God only knows what is happening at this point in the day!

You can buy the book in the following places:

Amazon ($12.95)

Kindle ($9.99)*

CreateSpace (direct from the publisher!) ($12.95)

Me! (signed copies!) ($12.95)

*It may take a few hours for the Kindle version to appear on Amazon…

Today’s blog is made up of three parts (much like the book!):
-How YOU can help me spread the word about the book!
-Fun factoids about the book and the days leading up to the release
-Why I chose to release the book TODAY!

How YOU can help me spread the word about the book:

  • Learn what the book is all about!
  • Tweet it up! Hashtag for the book is #WorthyBook! Also, be sure to follow me (@worthyofAgape) on Twitter!
  • Encourage your friends to like the Facebook page for Worthy of Agape – it is where all kinds of fun updates happen!
  • Instagram pictures of the book if you’ve got it, or pictures that show God’s agape love for each of us! I’ll be making a collage of all of your pictures, so be sure to use the hashtag so I see them all! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram (@worthyofagape) for awesome pictures throughout the day!
  • Make this your banner on Facebook:fb banner available now
  • AND/OR make this your profile picture on Facebook/Twitter:square button of cover avail now
  • Word of mouth! I cannot overstate this – even I have no idea how far this is spreading through word of mouth and word of social media. Re-post this blog to Twitter, Facebook, Google +, wherever! It will spread! The link to order signed copies is!
  • Write your own blog post about the book! Once you get your copy and read it, write a review on your own blog (and let me know, I am so excited to hear what y’all think about the book!)!
  • Most importantly…PRAY! Pray that God’s will would be done in all of it and that He would touch the hearts of the readers. Pray that the book will end up wherever it needs to!

Fun factoids about the book and the days leading up to the release:

  • 246 pages
  • 70,806 words…ish. I’ve updated a few things so some versions will have 70,806 words, others will have 70,776 depending on when you ordered the book 😉
  • 3 sections
  • 16 chapters
  • 162 references
  • One of the catechists I work with read only the first sentence on the back cover and bought the book instantly.
  • As I mailed all of the pre-ordered copies (and backed up the post office with a line of at least 7 people…) I talked to the mailman about what I was sending out…and he asked me to write down the information so that he could go home and order a copy for his daughter!
  • Pre-ordered copies went to 12 different states!
  • The final two pieces of the book that took the longest for me to nail down and be at peace with were the acknowledgments and the dedication.
  • I’ve already been asked to speak to a number of groups who are doing a small group study with my book!
  • The book has already been mailed to three priests and an abbot!

Why I chose to release the book TODAY!

  • The feast day of Saint Matthias. I first announced that I had written a book on the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul. So, I wanted to stay close to the apostles and the feast day of Saint Matthias is perfect!
  • St. Matthias was elected to be an apostle after Judas died and in the Acts of the Apostles we read that he was elected by lot, which is why his feast day is considered lucky.
  • The Gospel reading for today is one of my favorite Gospel readings ever. Plus, on this date last year, it hit me upside the head!
  • The number 14 is one of my favorite numbers
  • Also, what could be more perfect for this book than a Gospel passage which says, “Remain in my love.” Doesn’t that just say it all?

Come, share in my joy and see yourself as God does!

sharing the Joy.
quick takes: the published author Edition!