
quick takes: totally hot Edition.

Quick Takes{One}

black forest fireIt was hotter (at least temperature wise) in Colorado this week than it was in Lebanon. Sometimes I like to Google places that I think *should* be hotter than it is in Colorado just to compare. This week I came up short. It was hot here, and it came near to 100 degrees on a few days. Oh, yea, and my state is on fire. And not in the fun sing-along โ€œthe roof is on FI-YAHโ€ kind of way, but in the kind of way that makes my allergies go nuts, evacuates homes, and threatens the lives of firefighters. Pray for Colorado. Pray for rain. Pray for the firefighters.


Not to brag (but kind of to brag)โ€ฆI have blog posts written for the next month. Of course, the link-ups (like this one, and the โ€œNot Aloneโ€ series) arenโ€™t pre-written becauseโ€ฆwellโ€ฆthey canโ€™t be. What can I say? When the ideas come and the keyboard is functional, the blogs just flow out. Iโ€™m so excited for you to read them all!
{p.s. My 300th blog post will go up on Monday! Can you believe Iโ€™ve written 300 posts already?!}

{Speaking of monthsโ€ฆWorthy came out one month ago already! Holy non-papal-announcing smokes!}


Just tossing an idea out there for no specific reasonโ€ฆwhen you get a spiritual growth book, do you like a companion journal or reflection-type book to go alone with it? Sometimes I like them and sometimes the questions that go along with the chapters are just kind of fluffy and donโ€™t actually give me anything to think about at all. What are your thoughts and experiences with books like that? Do you buy them? Do you care? Chime in!


In the โ€œthings that make me happyโ€ category this week youโ€™ll find this sweet gem (see #4). I love, love, LOVE hearing what people think of my book! Current locations of my book include, but are not limited to: Germany, Ireland, Lebanon (one was even in France earlier this week!)โ€ฆand all over the US. Iโ€™d love to get some more copies in California or along the West Coast so I can say that Iโ€™ve truly got the country covered from coast to coast. My book gets to go places Iโ€™ve never been, in more ways than one!
Also, if you get a chance, would you mind writing a review of the book on Amazon? I would truly appreciate it!


Quote-y from el libro time! (I think I get a little goofy towards the end of the Quick Takes, which is a little sad since there are only seven of them, but I digress.)

โ€œImagine Adam in the Garden of Eden, hungry, longing for someone like him. He is lonely and he wakes from his slumber and the first thing that we hear out of his mouth isnโ€™t, โ€œGod, what did you do with my rib?โ€ but rather, โ€œThis one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.โ€ His concern has nothing to with himself, but instead, his concern, his excitement, his deep joy comes from finally having found one who is like him. She is not his exact identical, but she is like him, his equal, and he is no longer alone.โ€


This week you get a bonusโ€ฆTWO songs of the week! Perhaps Iโ€™m being indecisive, or perhaps I just think that Tyrone Wells is one of the most down-to-Earth artists Iโ€™ve heard in a while. His music is so refreshing and honest that I can hardly get enough of it, so enjoy twice the musical genius of Tyrone!

Song number one: This Is Beautiful (which is quite possibly my favorite song of his) {Ignore the video, just listen to the song}

Song number two: Sea Breezeโ€ฆbecause if you know Tyrone Wells, this is probably how you know him. {Which is not, in all honesty, how I came to know his musicโ€ฆbut that is another story!}


Scripture verse of the weekโ€ฆ(side note, is any one else feeling like the Year of Faith just got dropped like it was hot? People seemed to be all about it in the beginning and nowโ€ฆnot so much. Am I alone in that?)
โ€œThere is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love.โ€ โ€“ 1 John 4:18
It just makes me thinkโ€ฆso be on the lookout for a blog post about that very verse in the future!

Until next time ๐Ÿ˜‰

just don't say it: religious Vocations.
sorrowful mysteries and Singlehood.