My new favorite phrase, which I find myself using all the time now is “holy buckets…”. I’m not really sure that I’ve come across actual holy buckets in my life, but man alive that phrase is coming out a lot these days. For example, “Holy buckets! It is 50 degrees out and I’m warm!” I go through phrases like that from time to time. What are you favorite phrases to use? (Keep ’em clean, people!)
This week has been a week full of new opportunities! Nothing, and I do mean, nothing is official yet. You know how people say that things come in threes? Well, in this case, they are right. I’ve got three exciting opportunities in different facets of my life (and in two of those facets there are three opportunities!). Once any of these things becomes official I’ll be happy to share the good news here! Until then, prayers are always appreciated =)
The book, the book, the book. Now it really is (once again) just a waiting game. In the meantime, I’m working on growing the blog and getting my name out there, and word about the book out there even more. Why didn’t I major in marketing? 😉
In any event, your help, your belief in the book and in this blog is a daily encouragement to me and I can’t thank you enough for sharing the blog with your friends, and sharing your comments and feedback with me!
I just started reading “Story of a Soul” by St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and it is wonderful. I’ve had an ever deepening devotion to the Little Flower since college, and I now have no idea why I haven’t read this great book before! If you haven’t read it, go pick up a copy! It is a really easy read, and so full of holiness!
I’m turning the power over to you, my lovely readers! I’ve got a few ideas for upcoming posts, but I’d love to hear from you! What do you want me to write about? Got any burning questions about life, the Catholic faith, etc.? I’d love to hear them! Leave me a comment or shoot me an e-mail (!
And the song of the week is…*drum roll please*…”Hesitate” by Steve Moakler
If you saw the wonderful movie “October Baby” you might recognize this song. If you didn’t see October Baby, what are you waiting for?! The movie is amazing, if you can watch the whole thing (including the bit in the credits) without crying…something is wrong with you. Also, this song has been on repeat for a solid two days. What can I say? When I find a song I love, I listen to it on repeat forever.
This week’s Year of Faith highlight comes from the Catechism, paragraph 2562, “Where does prayer come from? Whether prayer is expressed in words or gestures, it is the whole man who prays…According to Scripture, it is the heart that prays. If our heart is far from God, the words of prayer are in vain.”
I couldn’t say it any better than that!
Until next time 😉