
quick takes: Hope.

Quick Takes


I suddenly feel behind on Quick Takes! I normally start drafting them earlier in the week as I think of things to put in here so that I’m not writing everything up last minute, but with Christmas my week has been thrown off (in a good way)! So, if these feel even more random and odd than normal…blame baby Jesus. Well, don’t blame Him like it’s a bad thing, it just means that He’s been my focus and not the blog (which is a victory in and of itself).


Most of you know what I really wanted for Christmas (aside from Baby Jesus, of course). I wanted a response from Ye Olde Catholic Publisher (not the actual name of the publisher I submitted the book proposal to). I have been fielding loads of questions about the book proposal lately. I’m so very grateful that people are praying for the book proposal and asking me about it! It is encouraging! But…nothing (yet). Believe you me that once I hear a response it will go up on here within a week, I promise! No matter which way it comes out, do you really think I could keep it a secret from my lovely and encouraging readers? Fat chance.

patience and wisdom


It was such a joy to be able to play my violin at Christmas Mass this year! Truth be known, I haven’t been able to play my violin at Christmas Mass since 2009 so this was a real treat for me! There was something wonderful about playing the traditional hymns on the violin for baby Jesus! I’m (clearly) quite partial to the violin, and not only because I’ve been playing it for more than half of my life, but because it is just a wonderful instrument. I find that whenever I go to Mass somewhere or a prayer service and they have a violin and I just get to listen to it, my heart melts. Being gifted with the ability to play the violin is something I don’t want to take advantage of, which is exactly why playing at Christmas Mass was such a joy!


Just in case you missed it, I did post this week! A lot, actually! On Monday I wrote about making good habits stick, which might be timely for those of you who are making New Year’s resolutions! Tuesday, I was featured on “Call Her Happy”‘s series about celebrating like a Catholic, and I got to write about Christmas! On Wednesday I blogged about putting Christ between my problems in life in “the cross Between.” Thank goodness for the ability to pre-write and schedule posts so I could enjoy family time and still keep up on the blog!


Be on the lookout for more guest posts soon! It is so fun and such a blessing to watch the blog grow! It is even more of a blessing that He continues to use me – whether it is as a youth minister, or in any number of my writing/blogging projects. Speaking of which, God has been putting a new project on my heart that I’m still praying about it. Would you say a prayer for it to? I’ll let you know if anything comes of it 😉


Song of the week is…“In The Middle of Me” by Todd Agnew

I had long since forgotten about this song, but it popped up in iTunes this week and was so what I needed to hear. Couldn’t we always use a little (or a lot) more of Him in the middle of us? I certainly could!

And for those of you who love Tyrone Wells as much as I do, or just want to get a chance to hear more of his wonderful tunes, you can download his “Best Of Tyrone Wells Sampler” on NoiseTrade for FREE by clicking here. Trust me, you won’t be sorry!


Holy Biblical goodness. “When they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say. You will be given at that moment what you are to say. For it will not be you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” – Matthew 10:19-20

I’ve spent a great deal of time lately worrying about situations that may or may not ever happen. “What if” has become the most common phrase in my mind. “What if so and so does this or says this or shows up to this event…” so on and so forth. Then, at Mass on Wednesday this Gospel reading came up. Do not worry about how you are to speak. There is such comfort in hope in that simple phrase. Don’t worry, when (and if) that time comes, at the very moment you need it, the words will come to you from the Holy Spirit. What could be more comforting than that? Goodbye “what ifs” and hello words of the Holy Spirit!

Until next time 😉

the cross Between.
my attire on Sunday (vol. 7)