Goodness gracious, thank you for your prayers for the Confirmation retreat last weekend. I’m not sure I could have survived without them. It was a HUGE blessing to work the retreat with my brother, and getting to see him in action, while wearing clerics, was pretty much one of the coolest things ever. I cried through almost his entire talk. I assigned him to speak at the guys/girls sessions and I listened in when he spoke to the girls. His prayer over them was one of the most beautiful prayers ever, and then to know that such a prayer came from my brother…my baby brother…mind-blowing. Also, he told me three times that he is pretty sure that I’ll never spend time in purgatory because I work with middle-school students, so that’s cool too.
I’m one blessed and happy blogger. In case you didn’t notice, there’s a new tab at the top of my page called “Catholic Sorority”. You could move your mouse up there, or you could just click here to see what it is all about. Basically, it is a group of female Catholic bloggers from all over the country who help grow each others’ blogs, while encouraging and praying for each other. I’ve been a member for a week and the fruits, prayers, and awesomeness of it is pretty much one of the coolest things ever. I love being Catholic. So, check out my Catholic sistas’ because they are the bomb…and that is all 😉

I googled “Catholic Sisterhood” and this is what came up. We’re like that…except we aren’t all nuns. But we are awesome!
The book has been on my mind a lot this week.
It feels a little weird to just say “the book” because I generally assume y’all actually know what I’m talking about. For those of you that don’t know…I’ve written a book, submitted a proposal and am waiting (patiently/anxiously/excitedly) to hear back about the proposal. You can learn all about the book and its progress and what not by clicking on the “Worthy – The Book” tab at the top of the page…or just click here. (Why I’m giving you the links is beyond me…) I *should* know one way or another before Christmas, and I’m praying/hoping for a Christmas present/miracle. If this publisher rejects my proposal…it is on to other publishers. Pray for the book! And the proposal! (I’ve been praying to Sts. Peter and Paul especially!)
If I get my stuff together…Monday’s blog will be flipping awesome. Ridiculously amazing. I’ve been slowly working out the idea in my head for at least a week now, I just need to sit down and tweak it so that it all makes sense. So, I’m teasing you about it so that (1) you’ll come back and read it and (2) I’m on record and actually have to get it done. It is going to be a little nerdy, a little political, a lot Catholic, and a whole lot of awesome. I’m pretty pumped about it – so come back Monday and check it out (or call me out on my laziness…)!
I’m still undecided on the title of the blog, or I’d give you that just to tease you a bit more…consider yourselves teased!
For those of you regular blog followers, you may have noticed that I’ve stopped including the “What I’m Listening To” bit at the end of each blog. There was a time I really liked it, it just added a little something to the blog and gave you a look at my odd musical tastes/gave you some new music to check out. I started to feel like it was actually detracting from the blog itself, so I’ve stopped including it. Sometimes my final point (I feel) is just so awesome that it feels weird to write anything after it. So, I won’t be writing things after it. Final point, end blog. Also, I think I kind of make up for it with the song of the week being Quick Take #6. (If you aren’t a regular blog follower…well then…hopefully you will be, and you won’t even notice that something has gone missing!)
Song of the week: “That’s Why I Pray” by Big & Rich. From a group that can be rowdy and crazy, this one is actually really thought-provoking and inspirational. Why do YOU pray?
This week, it is Biblical goodness. “By this we shall know that we are of the truth, and reassure our hearts before him whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” – 1 John 3:19-20 (RSV). The part that jumps out to me is “reassure our hearts before him whenever our hearts condemn us…” because our hearts do condemn us. We think that we are too broken, too sinful, too far gone to be redeemed. Our hearts lose hope and think that we will never find true happiness or love or peace, or whatever it is that we are searching for. But it is exactly when our hearts condemn us that we are to go before God and reassure our doubting hearts because He is greater than our hearts, AND He knows everything. He knows the plans that He has for us…and they are good.
Thanks to Jen for hosting!
Until next time 😉