
if snow was Sin.

(c) Denver Post

(c) Denver Post

I know, I know, I know. I live in Colorado so you’d think I’d be used to the snow. I am, actually. Being a Colorado native means that I’m quite accustomed to the snow, to driving in, and dealing with it. However, by the end of February, I’m very over it. I’m over driving on the ice, waking up early to brush/scrape my car off, and dealing with everyone on the road who has somehow forgotten how to drive in the snow. I’m just plain sick of it.

Last week it snowed again, and it snowed a lot. Over the weekend there were white-out conditions and the snow fell sideways. A number of schools were canceled on Monday, roads were closed and everyone hunkered down. But by Monday afternoon the roads had been cleared, the sun was out, and we were all digging out as if our lives depended on it. As I looked around at everyone digging out, shoveling off their driveways, and cleaning off their cars, I couldn’t help but wonder, what if we viewed our sin like we view the snow? We know that the snow will come – the forecasters warn of it – and we prepare accordingly. We stock up on water, milk, eggs, and other essentials and we prepare for it’s coming. When it finally passes we are quick to dig out and to get the snow out of our way as quick as possible so we can get back to our normal routine.

Do we look at sin the same way?

Scripture forecasts it, our priests tell us of sin nearly every week, if not every day. Do we stock up on graces, frequent the sacraments, and ready ourselves for what the Church warns us of? And when sin (like snow) does come, are we quick to dig out? Do we run to confession so that we can get the sin out of the way as quickly as possible so that we can resume our quest for holiness? Or do we simply hope that the sin in our lives will melt like the snow and disappear on its own? In this season of Lent, the Church invites us to attend confession, to clean our souls and get the muck and the sin and the crap out of the way so that we are ready for Easter, for the glory and the beauty of Christ’s resurrection. Last Tuesday the prophet Isaiah was read at Mass and he says, “Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow” (Is. 1:18). Even though our sins may be great, the Lord wants to make as as white and radiant as the freshly fallen snow. The Lord wants to make us pure, beautiful, and undefiled – and He does that through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. While we sometimes want the snow to get out of our way, shouldn’t we want the sin out of our lives all the more? May the Lord make us all white as snow this Lent as we run to confession to be reconciled with God.

The winner of the contest for the signed copy of “Worthy” is Peggy! Thank you ALL for entering, I am sure there will be more giveaways once the release date gets closer – keep praying for the book and for the amazing people who are helping me edit it!

quick takes: March!?
here for You.