
two years Ago.

two years Ago.
Among the first pictures of us Among the first pictures of us
Two years ago today (well, it was a Saturday, but it was April 27th) I went on my last first date. It seems odd now to look back and yet to think that was only two years ago. It feels both longer and shorter than that. Since that date (obviously) we got engaged, got married and had a sweet little girl. That's a lot for two years. Some would even say that's too much too fast in two years, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I can clearly remember two years and one week ago telling God, "Do something with this Anthony character or make him go away. He's been there for a year and a half. He's attractive and wonderful and you know my heart. Do something or make it go away." Clearly, God answered my prayer. A week later we went on our first date and the rest, as they say, is history. A year ago it was Divine Mercy Sunday AND the canonization of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII. This year on Divine Mercy Sunday we baptized our daughter. Anthony would be the first to tell you that I've always been a nut for dates and anniversaries. For me it is a chance to remember where I've been. Two years ago I honestly wasn't sure I'd ever get married and have kids. Not for lack of wanting to, but for lack of real men out there. I was starting to give up hope. I was excited for my date with Anthony, but resisted the urge to start planning for a future. Besides, even if things worked out with him, I figured we wouldn't get engaged for another year, then a year of engagement and then a year of marriage and THEN babies. Clearly, I was wrong. Seven months and three days after our first date he asked me to marry him. Six months and one day after that we got married. Ten months (ish) after that, we had our daughter. It is beautiful to look back, to sit in this quiet house as our daughter sleeps and remember just how close I was to giving up on the dream of marriage and children, and yet here I am. It comes. In God's perfect, beautiful, wonderful comes. I couldn't ask for anything better than the glorious fulfillment of the hopes and dreams He plants on my heart.
on the Eucharist.
setting goals {March}.