
quick takes: spring is here Edition!

Quick Takes{One}

There are days when I’m still just totally blown away at God’s goodness. Should it be every day? Yes, and in some way I suppose He blows me away every day. However, there are days that it is more apparent than others, such as days when I see Him using little ole me to bring Him glory. Days when people read the book and e-mail me to tell me how much something I wrote is speaking to their hearts. Days when I blog about something that has been irritating me for a while, only to find that I’m not alone and that there is growth and good conversation to be had. God is just…good.


20130522-170912.jpgSpring is really here! The weather this week has just been beautiful and I am, once again, so grateful to live in Colorado and be able to take in sunsets and marvel at God’s creation. I also had the chance to go for a hike last Sunday and spend some time in the mountains. There is nothing quite like a hike in giant mountains to give you some wonderful perspective on life. Try it sometime!


Serious twitter question: Do you ever get annoyed at people on twitter? Perhaps I should narrow that down…are there any habits that people have on twitter that annoy you? Endless hashtags? Constant re-tweeters? People who blow up your feed the second they log on to twitter? People who never respond to your questions? I’d love to know!


In last week’s edition of Quick Takes I mentioned that I was going to have a sacramentally packed weekend. I totally did, and it was beautiful. Four joyous Masses and I cried in each one of them. The two Confirmation ceremonies (Friday and Saturday evening) were fantastic. The Holy Spirit is amazing! Sunday morning I had the joyous opportunity to attend my friend’s first Mass after his ordination to the priesthood. I’ve known him since high school, so to be present for his first ever Mass was such a blessing. I’m getting all misty-eyed just thinking about it. I pretty sobbed in the back through the whole Mass, his vocation, his love of the Eucharist, it was just so utterly moving.
THEN, Sunday evening I got to go to a baptism for a sweet, sweet baby girl born to a lovely couple I know. The deacon who baptized her? Yea, it was his first baptism as an ordained deacon. So totally sweet. {And thank God I had the sense not to bother with makeup all weekend because it would have been totally wasted.}


How’s about I do something new for Quick Take #5 each week? How about a quote from the book? Yay or nay? Vote in the comments!

“The more I think about it, the more I have come to believe that God loves our emptiness and our brokenness. It has often been said that everyone has a God-sized hole in their hearts. All too often we try to fill that hole with other things, and countless lies, before we come to Him, empty, and beg Him to fill that hole with the only thing it can be filled with: Him.”


Song of the week this week is…Highway Don’t Care by Tim McGraw, featuring Taylor Swift and Keith Urban. I go back and forth on T-Swizzle, but I so enjoy this song, and the video is fabulous. Enjoy!


Anyone else being totally rocked by the readings from Sirach this week? I don’t know about you, but they are like a drink of cold water on a hot summer’s day.

“My son, when you come to serve the LORD,
stand in justice and fear,
prepare yourself for trials.
Be sincere of heart and steadfast,
incline your ear and receive the word of understanding,
undisturbed in time of adversity.
Wait on God, with patience, cling to him, forsake him not;
thus will you be wise in all your ways.
Accept whatever befalls you,
when sorrowful, be steadfast,
and in crushing misfortune be patient;
For in fire gold and silver are tested,
and worthy people in the crucible of humiliation.”
– Sirach 2:1-5

For in fire gold and silver are tested, and worthy people in the crucible of humiliation. He’s going to test us folks. The fire is hot, but so is His steadfast, unfailing love. Be not afraid.

Until next time 😉

just don't say it: Chastity.
raise your Standards.