Remember last week when I said that there were new opportunities cropping up? Not talking about any of them is ridiculously hard. It is a lesson in talking to God – the one who is presenting me with these opportunities – and knowing that He hears me. The only people who know about all of the opportunities are my wonderful parents. But not being able to tell my friends and share good news is getting old. So, pray for me? Pray that I can be patient until the time when any or all of these things can be announced and that I can learn something wonderful from all of the not-talking-about-it.
…then reality hit me upside the head. As much as I’m ready to burst with exciting news, I’m struck in a profound way this week by the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. I’d love to blog about my exciting news, but there are SO many babies that will never get the chance to have exciting news on this side of Heaven. For their sake, I’m biting my tongue and offering up my silent excitement for them and for an end to abortion.
(This post has been pre-scheduled. On Tuesday – the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade – I fasted from Twitter. I’ll be doing the same on Friday for the March for Life.)

My college (I believe I took this picture…) at the March for Life in 2007
THE BOOK! The book is actually, in no way, shape, or form, related to the new opportunities. However, I have made a new plan with regards to the book and publishers. If I haven’t heard back from any of the publishers (or if I get rejected by them all) I’ll have a GIANT, MONDO SIZED ANNOUNCEMENT at some point to be determined (details below). Fair warning that it is coming and I’ll be talking/Facebooking/tweeting about it ALL.THE.TIME. Hashtag = #WorthyBook. (Your assistance in getting that trending and spreading the word would be greatly appreciated.)
Speaking of the book…I checked my junk mail folder earlier this week and found an 8-day-old e-mail there from one of the publishers. I inquired a few weeks ago to make sure they really had received my proposal. It turns out that the proposal I thought I submitted in October was never received. It was resubmitted this week. Words can hardly express…any of it. Keep praying.
PART TWO: The proposal has been received and is OFFICIALLY, LEGITIMATELY being reviewed, they even thanked me for such a “well-crafted” proposal! Pray, pray, pray. St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of authors, pray for me and the book!
One exciting thing that I can officially announce now is that I’ve been named as a Managing Editor at Ignitum Today! I’ll be overseeing the religion category and I am ridiculously excited for this new opportunity and to dust off that theology degree of mine and put it to good use!
I’m hosting my first very own link-up! On Ash Wednesday I’ll be hosting a link-up for all of your favorite prayers. Feel free to write your own or write about a prayer you love. Lent is a perfect time to discover some awesome new prayers, ones that haven’t been beaten into our heads, prayers that speak to our hearts and meet us where we are. I’d LOVE to have you join the link up, so be thinking about your favorite prayers! The link-up will be available throughout lent, so be sure to come back and check out all the amazing prayers…and participate! =)
(More details to follow!)
In honor of the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, there will be no song of the week this week. In the silence, say a prayer for all the unborn, for the countless aborted lives, and for an end to abortion.
Scriptural awesomeness of the week comes from this past Sunday’s first reading. It was so amazing, so inspiring, that it has stuck with me all week because in it we see just how deep the Father’s love for us is. “You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD, a royal diadem held by your God. No more shall people call you “Forsaken, “or your land “Desolate,” but you shall be called “My Delight,” and your land “Espoused.”” – Isaiah 62:4.
Until next time 😉
**UPDATE** Since the March for Life is happening today in Washington D.C., I’d like to direct your attention to some truly moving blogs, which speak far more eloquently on the issue than I ever could.
What a Woman in Crisis Really Needs
A Black Day
An Open Letter to Abortion Rights Advocates
Five Mothers: Part 1