
quick takes: oh, Life.

quick takes: oh, Life.

Quick Takes{One}

I’m starting out all self-promote-y. Deal with it. You should totally come join the hangout tonight at 8pm EST. Three other awesome Catholic bloggers and I will be discussing “7 Ways to Engage in the New Evangelization”
Basically, it is going to be an amazing event and you are invited for FREE. Come check it out!


Oh, yea. You might be here for that other reason…you know, that reason I’ve, once again, been teasing about all week. The second book proposal results…and…*drum roll please*…the answer is…more rejection. I’m taking some time to pray about all of this and research some different options. The details of said discernment time will be kept highly under wraps. I do, however, promise that on FEBRUARY 22nd, 2013 I will make one GIANT announcement about whatever I decide to do with the book. So, pray for me, and come back on FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND. Oh, and tweet up #WorthyBook between now and then. Let’s build the hype!


Lent is almost here! Can you believe it? I think I’ve finally decided what I’ll be doing for it. Here goes nothing:
1. I’m giving up the What I Wore Sunday link-up for the duration of Lent. For me personally, it has become…a lot of things. It isn’t really a direction (fashion) that I’ve been passionate about blogging about. The comments that I see (that don’t get approved) can be really, really creepy and make me want to shower and/or never post pictures of myself ever again. Also, it is this rush to get home from Mass and post the blog. Rushing out of Mass to blog? That doesn’t sound so great to me. So, this Sunday will be my last WIWS link-up for a while. *

*However, I will feature a lovely blog on Sunday, February 24th since it is my two year blogging anniversary!

2. I’ll be forcing myself into 15 minutes of silence a day throughout Lent. I get so caught up in my prayer life that I completely forget to take time to, well, shut my yap and let God talk. Things like daily Mass and the Rosary are wonderful, but sometimes it just seems like I’m doing too much and not listening enough. So, I’ll be hushing up. Silence while driving doesn’t count. I’m talking locked away in my room, the phone is off and the music is muted, no TV, no nothing. Just silence – me, my crazy thoughts, and God’s beautiful voice.


I’ve recently taken on yet another editorship! I’ll be working alongside some truly amazing folks over at Catholic Lane. So you can find me writing here (of course), writing and editing at Ignitum Today, writing at The Papist, and at Catholic Lane. Then, of course, there are all the lovely guest posts I seem to be writing lately! Tis a blessed blogging life I lead =)


Be sure to come back on WEDNESDAY (a.k.a. the day all the cool Catholics wear ashes) to join in my first ever link up!

prayer link up image final

Write about your favorite prayer (original, borrowed from a friend or Saint – give credit where credit is due! – or wherever) and why it is so awesome! The link-up will be available throughout Lent, so be sure to come back and read about everyone else’s favorite prayers!


The song of the week this week is…“Treacherous” by Taylor Swift. The number I’ve times I’ve listened to this song this week is a bit ridiculous. It may or may not have been on repeat for a few days.


Scriptural awesomeness this week brought to you by the book of Sirach:
“My child, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, and do not be impetuous in time of adversity. Cling to him, do not leave him, that you may prosper in your last days. Accept whatever happens to you; in period of humiliation be patient. For in fire gold is tested, and the chosen in the crucible of humiliation. Trust in God, and he will help you; make your ways straight and hope in him.” – Sirach 2:1-6
That whole passage gives me a lot to think about, and a lot to hope for. Trust in God.

Until next time 😉

missing Out.
my attire on Sunday (the last one...)