
quick takes: exhausted Edition.

Quick Takes


Yup, the exhausted edition. I love Holy Week. I love Easter. It is such a liturgically rich time that I so enjoy…and yet this year it was chaotic. Working for the Church meant that more often than not I was working while I was attending the various services. Call me crazy but it is hard to focus on the homily during Holy Thursday Mass when the teens who are about to have their feet washed are goofing around and chewing gum in the very first pew. Job security? Maybe.


In case you couldn’t tell by all of the rosary posts lately…I’ve kind of a got a thing going for the rosary. Though perhaps I should work on writing some more posts about mysteries other than the Sorrowful ones…what do you think?


The countdown to the release date is ON. Like crazy madness. Less than 40 days now (which seems alarmingly tiny if you are me!). You might notice that the banner at the top of the page will go back and forth between the usual banner and one plugging the book. I’ve also got an image you *could* set as your profile picture if you want to help me get the word out! I’d appreciate it oh-so-much! Simply save the picture below and add it as your profile picture and VOILA!
Oh…and I’ll have a banner ready for Facebook next week!
square button
Don’t forget to pre-order your signed copy here!


Less than 40 days is…daunting. The “to do” list for the book is slowly getting smaller, but I was really hoping to have everything done and finalized by now. Say some prayers that everything gets done in time and that the perfectionist in me can take a back seat to God’s goodness, pretty please? Thanks!


I’m dreaming about my summer vacation and can’t quite decide where I want to go. I’m leaning towards North Carolina because it is where I went to college and I have lots of friends out there, but I’m still open to other ideas. I’m hoping to go after the 4th of July for about a week…any suggestions? =)


This week’s song of the week is brought to you by…Matt Maher, singing “Every Little Prison (Deliver Me)”

We all have those things that trip us up and enslave us. May He free us from every little prison. Deliver me, Jesus.


Catechism-al awesomeness is up this week! True life confession: I get tired of Confirmation. I know, it is a Sacrament, and it is beautiful, but as a youth minister I have a love/hate relationship with Confirmation. When I came across the following passage about Confirmation my heart sat up with joy:
“Although Confirmation is sometimes called the ‘sacrament of Christian maturity,’ we must not confuse adult faith with the adult age of natural growth, nor forget that the baptismal grace is a grace of free, unmerited election and does not need “ratification” to become effective. St. Thomas reminds us of this:

Age of body does not determine age of soul. Even in childhood man can attain spiritual maturity: as the book of Wisdom says: ‘For old age is not honored for length of time, or measured by number of years. “Many children, through the strength of the Holy Spirit they have received, have bravely fought for Christ even to the shedding of their blood.'” – CCC 1308

Until next time 😉

sorrowful mysteries and Relationships.
sealed with a Kiss.