First, pray for Jen (the host of Quick Takes) and her sweet baby! What a wonderful name Joseph Thomas is!
I totally can’t shake the feel that I’m staring down the barrel of a chaotic gun. The next four weeks of my life include, but are not limited to the following events: three Confirmation ceremonies, a book release (EEK!! – the Facebook banner is below, as promised!), my Biblical School final, year end parties for two different parish’s youth groups, and God only knows what else. When I write it down like that it doesn’t sound so bad, until I realize all of the planning and prep work that is required for each of those events! Holy Spirit, come, make sure I don’t fall asleep and help me give glory to God in in it all!
I’m suddenly feeling a pull to start a new series on the blog…but I’m not sure what it should be about. Any ideas? I’ve tossed around the idea of going back to the “songs while you are waiting” series I did waayyyy back in the day (about waiting for love), a weekly Scripture/Catechism post, and who knows how many other ideas. Do you have any ideas? Thoughts on the aforementioned series? I’d really, really love to hear them!

Yea, I only wish I was cool enough to do my nails like that!
Sometimes it is the little things in life that just make me happy. Last week I finally got to paint my nails for the first time in…a long time. It is nice to something fun and girly for myself every once in a while. What are some of the little things that make you happy?
And now I shall get all self-promotey. The posts I wrote this week had the theme of Holy Week and were inspired by Palm Sunday’s readings. It would have been sweet if I’d have been inspired to write them for Holy Week, but I just go with the Spirit! Check out “sealed with a Kiss” and “crucify Him!”
Speaking of getting all self-promotey…here is the banner for Facebook as promised! It is sized and everything – help me spread the word? I’d be oh-so grateful!
Song of the week…I’ve been pretty hooked on Brett Young for a while now, ever since he opened for Tyrone Wells! This song is just catchy and fun! Without further ado, I give you “Kiss by Kiss” by Brett Young!
Bam. This week you get some Scriptural awesomeness straight from John’s gospel. Oh, and this passage happens to be part of the reading for May 14th. Not like that is a significant date for me. Nope, not at all. 😉
“Jesus said to his disciples:
“As the Father loves me, so I also love you.
Remain in my love.
If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love,
just as I have kept my Father’s commandments
and remain in his love.”
– John 15:9-10
Oh, and do yourself a favor and go read the Catechism, paragraph 1391-1398 on the fruits of communion. Simply beautiful (especially after going to confession). Isn’t the Faith just beautiful?
Until next time 😉