
numero Uno.

Iā€™m going to have to come up with more creative titles for these weekly updates, but for today that is about as creative as my juices are going to get! Ideas are welcome and appreciated!

I hardly know where to begin, it is hard to believe that I made the big announcement only one week ago. The outpouring of support and encouragement has been nothing short of phenomenal. Iā€™m humbled by your prayers and ask that you continue to keep them going, not only for the book and that it may one day (sooner rather than later) be published, but also for me as I continue to labor away at it! My heart has been set on fire even more so this week than it already had been. It is amazing and awe-inspiring to see how God is already using this book to bring about His glory. There are a number of people who are already reading the book (more than I had even hoped for!) and I would ask that you pray for them as well!

This week I spent a number of hours researching and ranking publishers on a number of factors and I now have a list of publishers that I think will be great options for this book to actually get published. There are a number of things that go into proposing a book to a publisher and while people are reading the book and giving me their feedback I will be hard at work on the proposal aspect of the book. So, again, pray for the readers, that God would guide their hearts and that I would have patience as I anxiously await their feedback! I can also tell you that writing these weekly updates will keep me on my toes because I would hate to report that I have nothing to report (at least not until Iā€™m waiting for a response from a publisher). Thanks for keeping me accountable!

Also, Iā€™ve been hard at work on editing the first draft of the book. Iā€™ve re-read all of it, now it is just a matter of updating the changes to the computer. Iā€™m completely done editing the first two sections of the book in their entirety (thatā€™s 10 of the 16 chapters). Iā€™m hoping to finish editing the book before Wednesday of next week so that I can start working on the formal proposal. That is all for now, keep the prayers coming, donā€™t forget to like the page on Facebook and follow me on Twitter! Thanks again =)

What Iā€™m Listening To:
ā€œHard 2 Loveā€ by Lee Brice
ā€œA Woman Like Youā€ by Lee Brice
ā€œOut Aliveā€ by Kris Allen
ā€œTeach Me How Love Goesā€ by Kris Allen

dear Husband.