
love Letter.

It is quite rare that I blog what I journal about. But sometimes, on rare occasions, I can’t help but feel that He writes my journal entries…and then calls me to share them here. This past Saturday evening I went to the Our Lady of Sorrows adoration chapel on the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. I went there to pour my heart out for a number of reasons. What follows is what I wrote down after praying the Rosary to Our Lady. As I read over this entry in the days that followed I couldn’t help but see how applicable this letter has been throughout my entire life, even if I didn’t have the words. Then I realized that not only is this letter applicable to me, it is applicable to all of His children. So it is that I share it with you here. Insert your name and change the gender as appropriate.

Dear Amanda,

My love, my darling daughter, I am going to stretch you. I am going to ask you to place your trust in Me more radically than you have before. The choice to follow remains yours.

I am going to ask you to lay your heart out once again, even though I know that this terrifies you more than you will admit. I am going to ask you to be vulnerable in a way that you’ve never been before.

I will promise you nothing except My love. You won’t have all the answers, nor will you know the final outcome. I’m inviting you to trust Me and trust that the plans I have for you are good – in the end. There may still be rough and trying days ahead. I promise you that my Love will weather every storm and trial.

My darling daughter, I long to stretch you, to break open the walls of your heart. I want to enlarge your heart so that it may hold and give more of My love. The only question that remains is whether you will journey with Me freely as I grow your heart, or, will you fight Me? Will you be stubborn, or will you trust and rest in My love?

This will not be easy. But I promise to see you through, and I promise it will be worth it. Take My hand, my love, follow Me.

Love always,

What I’m Listening To:

I don’t have to be strong enough…on my own.

the outside looking In.
simply Lovely.