
let the walls Down.

This week’s quote is actually a continuation of last week’s quote. If I’m honest the chapter this quote came from is my favorite chapter in the book. It contains much of my heart, but even more of God’s. The story behind this chapter is wonderful and undeniably grace filled, and, God willing, someday I’ll share it, you know, after the book gets published 😉

“Let’s face it: we have been guarded since the Fall.

We are afraid to hope for eternity, even though our soul longs for it. We are afraid to trust Adam, who stood in silence with us in the Garden of Eden as God questioned us, and when he did speak, he simply pointed the finger at us…Women show strength by letting our walls down. It takes more strength than most can imagine to let down the walls that guard our hearts…We show our strength by being vulnerable, with each other, with our significant others, with our families, but first with God.”

I am, once again, unbelievably excited about this project. I’m just itching to get it out there to publishers, but the perfectionist in me wants to make sure that the proposal and the book are the best they can be before I submit proposals! Keep praying!

In other news…I’m feeling like I’m being overly secretive about the book, its contents, and my plans for it. Part of it has to do with the fact that while I have plans and dreams for it, they are probably different than God’s plans for it. I’m okay with that, because I trust that He is going to continue using it for His glory, and I’m blessed to be a part of that.

I know I’ve said it before, but I’m hard at work on this proposal. It’s a lengthy process but I’m *hoping* to get at least one proposal out to a publisher (they don’t always like you to submit multiple proposals to multiple publishers) by the end of September. That seems ridiculously close to me! I’m meeting with people about the proposal process and getting some really great feedback and learning a lot. I’m also in contact with some more well-known folks in the Catholic world and working to secure their endorsement of the book. Believe me when I say that I feel your prayers for me and for this book – God is truly and undeniably at work, and from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you for your support – this all wouldn’t even be possible without you.

Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us!

What I’m Listening To:
“The Woman I Love” by Jason Mraz
“See About A Girl” by Lee Brice
“As I Am” by the Goo Goo Dolls
“Gravity” by John Mayer

on the floor, off the Floor.
an appetite for Beauty.