
big book Announcement!


This has been a long time coming. I’m also fairly convinced that some little jerk (*cough* Satan *cough*) would love for this announcement to be delayed. Nevertheless, God is bigger than Satan and his buckets of lies.

In case you didn’t know this by now, I’ve written a book. This book has become my baby, my blood, sweat, and tears. I never really dreamed that I’d write a book but there I was, writing something. The more I read over it, the more I know in the depths of my heart that God wrote this book through me, which is more humbling than mere words can ever convey.

So, I wrote a book. I finished the first draft on June 5th, 2012. Writing book proposals turned out to be more time consuming than actually writing the book itself. Then the book proposals got rejected. Now, I could start the whole process over and submit more book proposals to more publishers. However, each book proposal takes time to prepare and then another 6-12 weeks to get a response back. I’ve said before that I feel like this book has to get published. Waiting is not something I handle well, especially when I feel SO called to get this book out there, and to get it out there now.

I set out to pray about what the rejections might mean and whether or not it was my own impatience getting in the way or whether God was truly calling me to stop waiting around and strike while the iron is hot. After loads of prayer and a number of confirmations from friends of mine who have also been praying for direction for the book…I’ve decided to self-publish!

I am SO excited about this! The book (God willing) will be published in both an e-book format as well as a hard copy.

The tentative release date is Tuesday, May 14th!

I originally announced that I had written a book on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, so in keeping with the apostles, the book will be released on the feast day of St. Matthias (who was elected to be an apostle after Judas’ death). I say tentative release date because there is so much to get done between now and then. Things like: finalizing the cover design, writing acknowledgements, trying to secure someone to write a foreward, editing the book at least one more time, making sure all of the files upload and print correctly and don’t get all garbled up, and you know, actually marketing the book.

As you can see, much remains to be done between now and May 14th, so please continue to pray for me and for the book – I couldn’t have gotten this far without your prayers and support. If you are interested in helping me market the book, please let me know! I’ve got some ideas in the work and I can use all the help I can get!

Be sure to come back on Sunday for a chance to win a free signed copy of the book!

May 14th, 2013. My first ever book will be published! KEEP PRAYING! Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us! St. Matthias, pray for us!

giving it Up.
happy Blogiversary!