Our Lady Undoer of Knots Auspice Maria Sticker

Our Lady Undoer of Knots Auspice Maria Sticker
The Our Lady Undoer of Knots Auspice Maria vinyl sticker is perfect for almost any surface. Try the sticker on your laptop, water bottle, or phone case. Stickers can go just about anywhere you can think of! Additionally, stickers are dishwasher safe and can stand up to the elements as well.
This sticker is 3'' tall.
The Auspice Maria - an intertwined A and M - is a classic Marian symbol. The phrase comes from Latin and means "under the protection" of Mary. Other definitions translate auspice as "under the support or patronage" of Mary. For instance, this symbol can be found on countless works of art and reminds us that Our Lady is always watching over us. With this classic symbol as inspiration, I took many titles and apparitions of Our Lady to prayer. From that prayer and reflection came the entire Auspice Maria sticker series.
This sticker in particular celebrates Mary's title as Our Lady Undoer of Knots. Like a crown fit for a queen, twelve glittering stars arc over the Auspice Maria symbol on this sticker. Next, one will notice the blue and red letters - both colors common to artwork celebrating Our Lady, Undoer of Knots. Finally, the white ribbon so essential to Undoer of Knots, is twisted and tangled on the right side, weaving its way around both the A and the M. At last that white ribbon reaches its apex and is undone, simply floating down the left side of the design.
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All artwork, designs, and styles on this website are the original work of Amanda/worthy of Agape. Public, commercial, or any other use of these designs that goes beyond personal use is not allowed without expressed, written consent of worthy of Agape.