Fiat - Faith In All Things - White Vinyl Sticker

Fiat - Faith In All Things - White Vinyl Sticker
The white FIAT - Faith In All Things - Sticker is perfect for almost any surface. Try the vinyl sticker on your laptop, water bottle, phone case, just about anywhere you can think of! Stickers are dishwasher safe and stand up to the elements as well.
This sticker is a 3'' wide and white.
Fiat is Latin, and it translates to: let it be. Fiat is a part of the prayer of Our Lady at the Annunciation. The word fiat hovers above the words "faith in all things" - a reminder of what Mary's fiat is. Her fiat carries her from the Annunciation through to the crucifixion. She truly has faith in all things and invites us to the same depth of faith.
Additionally, this design can also be found on our popular t-shirt. There is no branding of any kind on the sticker itself so that the beauty of the word, as well as the explanation, can be as powerful as possible.
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All artwork, designs, and styles on this website are the original work of Amanda/worthy of Agape. Public, commercial, or any other use of these designs that goes beyond personal use is not allowed without expressed, written consent of worthy of Agape.