
show me Glory.

Sometimes I get a little guarded about this book. I don’t want to let too much out there before it actually gets published! The more I dig into it, the longer I realize this process may be. The biggest thing now is to really get cracking on the proposal…and get feedback from the people who are previewing the book. Thanks be to God for all of the readers, especially those editing for theological and grammatical content! Pray for them, for the Holy Spirit to guide them as they read it and give me feedback and pray that I would receive their feedback well (and soon!).

The quote this week comes from the very beginning of the first chapter:
“In order to understand who we are as women the best answer comes from the beginning, from our roots in our creation. So we look to Scripture and find that we are created in His image and likeness. What does that mean? It means we are reflections of greatness, of majesty and of a beauty so magnificent, so glorious that we can never fully behold it in this life. Moses begged God to let him see His glory and the Lord responded, “but you cannot see my face, for no one can see me and live” (Ex. 33:20). We want to see and behold the God who created us. How amazing it would be to catch but a glimpse of His splendor, for we know we would never be the same, and so did Moses…We have a beauty within us, not so much because of who we are but because of whose we are. We are God’s and His beauty shines within us and longs to be shared with the world.”

Enjoy! And don’t forget to like worthy of Agape on Facebook (you can simply click “Like” using the box on the right) and follow @worthyofAgape on Twitter! Spread the word…this book and this blog couldn’t continue without your continued support!

What I’m Listening To:
“Come Over” by Kenny Chesney
“Feel Like A Rock Star” by Kenny Chesney, feat. Tim McGraw
“Don’t Make Me” by Blake Shelton
“Wanted You More” by Lady Antebellum

let love In.
break-up Bully.