February's goals were:
-Prepare for Monkey, finish setting up the nursery -Finish reading an entire novel January's completion rate was: 50% (and still is, I haven't changed my name on my book yet...) February's completion rate: 100% (and the blogging crowd goes wild!) Goal #1: Prepare for Monkey, set up nursery There's a nursery post coming, I promise you. I've prepared for Monkey as much as I can - birth classes, clean clothes (hers and mine), a place for her to sleep, baby things all over the house (and organized, you know, for now), etc. I firmly believe, however, that there is only so much preparing you can do for a baby in advance. You never really know until it happens just how much a newborn will change you life. Will she cry all night? Will she go through diapers faster than I can buy them? Will she have hair, will her smile bring tears to my eyes? These are things I simply can't know until she's born, so "preparing" for her can only go so far, and only in a practical sense of the word. But as far as being practically prepared, I'd say we are. Her clothes are washed and sorted by size, her hospital bag (and mine) are packed, her crib is set up, her blankets are clean, and we've got all of the 'major' things she'll need. {Side note: a few weeks ago I realized that, God willing, she'll be born by Easter and that I didn't have an Easter dress for her *GASP*. I found one at a consignment shop the next day for $5. Bam.} The nursery is also set up. The rocking chair has been recovered, her bookshelf has plenty of books to read to her, there are toys, diapers, clean clothes, swaddles, etc. I love just sitting in her room on the rocker and imagining her sleeping in her crib. It is a beautiful nursery...and a hundred, thousand, million times better than the room was when we bought the house (just take my word on this). Goal #2: Read an entire novel. I have a lovely habit of reading only spiritually enriching books. While this is good for my soul, it also makes me miss reading and getting lost in a good book. Over Christmas break I decided to re-read the Harry Potter series. It may have taken almost two months, but I finally finished Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. It has been wonderful to dive back in and remember details I'd long since forgotten about. The sense of wonder and adventure is still there when I pick up the book to read, and I'm hoping that I can keep trucking along through the series, even after Monkey is born. Maybe. We'll see what sleep schedule she holds to :) So that's February! Goals for March (fairly simple): -Have a baby. That’s pretty much my only goal (due date is the 24th). Not lose my mind waiting for her to be born. One and only one goal, though I'm adding the goal of getting the post about the nursery - complete with pictures from along the way - up on the blog before she's born. Two goals. One is way easier than the other.What about you? Did you set resolutions or goals for the year or month? How are they going? How are you keeping yourself accountable?