
quick takes: the oh-my-goodness Edition.

Quick Takes


This week has shown my how insane my life is. Working two youth ministry jobs, editing two Catholic blogging sites, writing for my own blog plus two other sites, editing the book, marketing the book, and trying to maintain a social life is…a lot. Oh, I have three Confirmation ceremonies coming up at two different parishes in two different languages (only one of which I speak) that I’m in charge of planning. I put 360 miles on my car in four days this week. My life is chaos.

But in a strange way, I love it all and feel so blessed to be able to do all of the amazing things I get to do! Pray for me that I don’t burn out and turn into a cranky/crazy lady.


Speaking of the book…next week I won’t be blogging/posting/tweeting about the book AT ALL. I have, by my own admission, royally sucked at my Lenten observation of 15 minutes of total silence a day. So, for Holy Week I’ll keep my cyber-yap shut about the book. I have a feeling this is going to be much harder than I’m already anticipating.

Additionally, next Friday’s post will either (1) not exist, since it is Good Friday or (2) be seven songs/blogs (other than my own) about the awesomeness of Good Friday.

ALSO – y’all will be able to pre-order signed copies (continental US only) of the book starting on Easter! I am SO darn excited =)

p.s. Did y’all see that Pope Francis will be celebrating Holy Thursday Mass in juvenile detention center and will wash the feet of the young people there? I’m seriously more in awe of him every single day!


To say I’m learning a lot through this whole book writing process would be a GIANT understatement. I was thinking about this all yesterday and I feel like writing the book was perhaps the easiest part of this whole journey. Then came the editing, and the proposal writing, then the rejections, researching self-publishing options, designing the cover, more editing, more editing, marketing, figuring out tax rates, and so much more. I’m enjoying learning so much…and yet looking forward to May 14th for more reasons than I can even count!


Oh, did you come to see the book cover revealed? Well, the wait is FINALLY over!!

front cover FINAL

It looks so amazing to me every single time I look at the preview copy (which arrived Monday and has barely left my side since then)! It is the little things that I’m enjoying along the way…even if nailing down the cover design felt like it took forever. So there you go! =)


Holy Week. I get to go to another cathedral on Monday! I’m so excited to hopefully relax a little more and really dive into prayer during Holy Week. I’ll be bouncing around between the churches I work at and the churches I volunteer at for the various services and I’m pretty pumped about it all! Do you have anything special you do to honor the extra awesomeness of Holy Week?


Song of the week isβ€¦β€œOnly You’re The One” by Lifehouse. I’ve been playing this song on repeat for three days now. I just can’t get over how fantastic it is! Lifehouse has been a favorite of mine for a long, long time, enjoy!

Don’t you just love when an artists explains the inspiration behind a song?


This week’s Scripture passage in honor of the Year of Faith isβ€¦β€œβ€œBlessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent his angel to deliver the servants who trusted in him; they disobeyed the royal command and yielded their bodies rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.”” – Daniel 3:95.
1) I love the names Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they are just so much fun to say!
2) See what trusting God can mean? Safety in the fire and changed hearts!

Until next time πŸ˜‰

what is it About?
humbling Love.