
quick takes: snowy Edition.

Quick Takes{One}

Snow is beautiful. I love snow…in winter. NOT in the spring. I’m so over that I’m getting really cranky because the sun and the mountains disappear, and then I hear friends complaining because it is *only* 75 degrees where they are at. In one day we had 14 inches of snow at my house this week. I’m just sick of it. The moisture is great, but I’m so ready for spring that it REALLY isn’t funny anymore.

BAC vs. COLeft: taken on my college campus this week (WOOT Belmont Abbey!)
Right: My back yard on the same day.


I’ve got another Confirmation ceremony this weekend! ‘Tis the season for them – this weekend one of my parishes will be confirming 50 teens! We always do the ceremony on the same weekend, last year the teens were sweltering, this year they will be freezing. Oh, wait, the high is 55. But the snow comes back on Monday. So…there’s that.
Pray for the teens! Holy Spirit, come!


I’ve said this on the Facebook page for the blog, and on Twitter, but I seriously can’t tell you how much it means to me that y’all are pre-ordering the book. Heck, I can’t tell you how much it means that y’all are even ordering the book. It is humbling, exciting, and so thrilling. I’ve literally been waiting more than a year for you (whoever you are!) to read it. I’m just…at a loss for words. Thank you.

Speaking of being humbled…I was and am SO grateful to have made the list of “8 Catholics to Watch This Spring“!


Politics and the ins and outs of it all really isn’t my game. On very rare occasions I’ve talked about politics here. But all politics aside, familiarize yourself with the Gosnell trial. Don’t know where to go? I’ve found this article and this one to be particularly helpful. Oh, and this video (though it has its graphic moments).
And tweet about (hastag = #Gosnell) and urge the media to cover the story, the trial, all of it. Children deserve better. Women deserve better.
Don’t forget to pray.


Tell me about Saint Joseph. I mean…I’ve researched him and I know that he’s awesome. For the last few months I’ve just felt a special pull from him and I’ve been praying for his intercession a lot. Every now and then certain saints pop up in my life but good ole Joe is hanging around a lot lately and I can’t help but feel like there is a specific reason for it. Do you have any wonderful stories about Saint Joseph? I’d love to hear them!


Song of the week is…brought to you by The Band Perry! Ever since they performed “Done” at the ACMs I’ve been stuck on this song. It is just so catchy and easy to blast on my drives to and from work…on repeat. The video is a bit odd, but the song is just so fabulous. Enjoy!


Year of Faith shout out this week goes to…the Catechism. I’m just stuck on it because it is SO full of goodness and inspiration and so many beautiful things to meditate on. Case and point:
“It is in discovering the greatness of God’s love that our heart is shaken by the horror and weight of sin.” – CCC 1432

Until next time 😉

the devil is in Comparison.
what it cannot Be.