
quick takes: Pray.


I’m feeling girly so I changed the way I separate each number, and now I use the “fancy” brackets, as I call them, instead of dashes. Daring, I know. I just like the fancy brackets and I think they look girly, which I rather enjoy.

Also, if you missed my latest piece on Igntium Today, called “Serious” Catholics, be sure to check it out here. I may have written it with an eye for the elections, but I think it is quite fitting, even (and perhaps especially) after the elections.


While I’m on the topic, I’d like to (once again) shamelessly plug my other writing ventures. For those of you that don’t know, I write here, for Ignitum Today (clearly, see above, and the lovely button on the sidebar), and The Papist. I’ve been writing for The Papist since its inception, and I’m really proud of the work we do there. I recently took on more of a leadership role with them, in addition to writing for them. I’ve become a blogging addict and I’m okay with that. So, if you lovely readers wouldn’t mind, be sure to check out The Papist, like them on Facebook, and follow them for all of the latest and greatest pieces from our awesome writers!


The Confirmation retreat at the parish I work at is TOMORROW.

That means pray, people! I’m running the retreat and I’ll also be giving my testimony to fifty 7th grade teens. Pray. Pray for the teens, for their hearts to be open, for the Holy Spirit to be present. Pray for the chaperones, the small group leaders, the speakers, the musicians, and the equipment we are using. Pray for the Lord’s will to be done. Pray that it all goes smoothly. Pray for the crazy youth minister who will be in charge of the retreat (that’s me). Also, pray for a good friend of mine who is also a youth minister and also has her Confirmation retreat tomorrow.

Holy Spirit, come!


All of the above was written before the election on Tuesday. My emotions regarding the election have run the gamut this week. Expect some posts about it all in the coming days, though, as usual, I promise to keep the politics to a minimum and the Catholic goodness and hopefulness on high (as in they will be abundant. Just because Colorado legalized the use of recreational marijuana, don’t expect me to blog while high. Ever. Don’t expect me to be high. Ever.).

What it all comes down to is a call to prayer, and a call for true disciples to rise up, stand for Christ, and become the Saints of today.

The Few. The exalted. The Saints.


Yesterday in Twitter-land the publisher that I submitted the proposal to for “Worthy” tweeted that they are looking over recent book proposal submissions. I can hardly believe that on Monday it will have been one month from when I submitted the proposal. I try not to dwell on things too much because it is so easy to get caught up in wondering and day-dreaming, but their tweet caught me off guard and got me REALLY excited that they may be looking at MY book proposal. HOLY SMOKES!
PRAY! Then pray some more. If you believe in the book and think (as I clearly do) that it is worthy of being published (haha, pun totally intended) then PRAY! Your prayers are at work!


If I’m keeping on with the song-of-the-week-being-quick-take-number-six theme, then this week, I almost hate to admit…it is Taylor Swift’s “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”. Trust me when I say that I have fought this song with the best of them. You could almost say that I hated the crap out of this song when it first came out. I do believe I called Taylor a sell-out. I turned it off every time it came on the radio (basically, every five seconds), screaming at it all the while. But it is catchy. Then, this week, I had a total youth minister moment: this song could be about our sins. You know the ones, those nasty sins that keep coming back and haunting us. Dear sin, we are never ever getting back together. You say you’ll change, but that lasts for like, a day. You aren’t good for me. We are never, ever getting back together. Like…ever.


This week’s dose of Year of Faith goodness comes from the Catechism, paragraph 169: “We believe the Church as mother of our new birth, and not in the Church as if she were the author of our salvation.” I love the distinction there, and it is something I’ve spent much of the week thinking about. We believe the Church, but we don’t necessarily believe in her, as though she were the author of our salvation. We believe her teachings, her wisdom, her guidance. But because we believe her, we also know that God is our source of salvation, the author of our lives, and the summit for which we long.

Thanks to Jen for hosting!

Until next time 😉

the greatness of the Lord.
the blame Game.