I AM BACK, Y’ALL! All Southern accents aside (and believe me, mine came back!), I’m actually really excited to be back! On my first day back from vacation I found that happy joy that us type-A personality folks get from getting things done. My to-do list was quite epic, but sitting down and accomplishing all of the little things I’d felt I’d fallen behind on while on vacation was a joy. In only a few hours I rocked that to-do list and knocked it down to a much more manageable size and felt wildly accomplished for the day.
Want to know why else I’m excited to be back from vacation? In a little less than two weeks, I’ll be starting a new job! I will definitely be hitting the ground running when I start my new job as…Director of Faith Formation! That’s right, I’m {slightly} switching fields – no more hands on youth ministry, I’ll be working with volunteer catechists and the cutest little kids. I am really excited for this new opportunity to expand on my experiences in ministry…and to do it all at my home parish! It is a crazy tale of growing up at this parish, receiving nearly all of my sacraments there, teaching 1st graders when I was in high school to where I am today: taking on a new job at the place I’ve called home for so many years.
{Why so long? Well, I knew before vacation I’d be taking this job, but I agreed to finish up Totus Tuus (which starts on Sunday) at my current job. As soon as that is wrapped up (prayers, please!) I’ll start at my new gig!}
On vacation I got to cross another cathedral off of my list! Perhaps you’ll recall that it is my life goal to see all of the cathedrals in the US before I die. I thought I had been to the one in Charleston, SC before, but when I pulled up for Mass on the day after my birthday, I realized I hadn’t! It was so beautiful and I just adore Charleston, and I am so glad I went!
Aside from adding my website to the photo, it is completely unedited…and taken from my phone. Awesome.
Utterly shameless self-promotion: did you see my latest post over at Ignitum Today? Lately I’ve been swamped, so my posts at IT are ones you’ll find here first, but this time I was feeling particularly inspired so IT got a brand-spanking new post!
Also – that sweet review I posted about Worthy last week is now on Catholic Lane! I so enjoy reading people’s thoughts on my book! Don’t forget to head on over to Amazon to purchase your copies (STILL on sale!) and write a review when you are done, I’d SO appreciate it!
I’m moving song of the week up to Quick Take #4 this week…because the rest of the Quick Takes will be pictures from vacation – enjoy!
Song of the week is…To Get To You (55th and 3rd) by Kenny Chesney!
(1) I know I’ve been on a Kenny kick lately…I blame a coastal vacation and Liesl.
(2) Expect a blog about this song in the near-ish future. Seriously. Good. Stuff.
Don’t you just want to be there?
Our Lady of Mepkin, pray for us.
My favorite place in the whole world (at least, of the places I’ve been to) to simply…be.