quick takes: Perseverance.

Quick Takes{One}

I’ll be honest, things with the book proposal are frustrating. I love, love, love that people continue to ask if I’ve heard anything. It is encouraging…and yet a reminder of the nothingness I’ve heard from the publisher. I really had hoped to hear before Christmas, or New Years. The 60 days promised on their website has long since come and gone and I’m left wondering what to do. Did they ever even receive my e-mail submission? SO, here’s what I’ve done:
1. Mailed the original publisher a hard copy of the proposal.
2. Sent out another proposal to a different publisher.
3. I’m praying about sending out another proposal…I don’t want this to sit around forever – I want to get the message out there!

So – as always – keep praying!


Every week I think about what to title the latest edition of Quick Takes. So, I keep coming up with a power word – something that sums up the week, or so hopeful word to encourage you. God only knows how long that will last before these end up being titled things like “quick takes: my brain is totally Fried.” or “quick takes: in which my ramblings take center Stage.” Yikes.


You know you are a Colorado native when…suddenly, after at least a week of below freezing temps, you exclaim that 50 feels toasty. God knows I have friends in the south would think that 50 is downright frigid, but I found myself walking around in my 3/4 sleeve top and jeans with no coat on and was quite comfortable. (However, we are projected to return to the below freezing temps this weekend…oye.)


I am ridiculously excited for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord on Sunday! Why? Because I actually get to go to a baptism! A youth minister friend of mine and his lovely wife are baptizing their cute-as-a-button daughter and I’m so excited to go!
Also…my What I Wore Sunday post will probably be late because of the baptism. Baptism > blogging. Every. Single. Time. Hooray for new Catholics!


More shameless self promotion: I was recently interviewed for the “Catholic Vitamins” podcast! You can download the podcast through iTunes by searching for “Catholic Vitamins podcast” – I’m featured on letter W for Welcome. You can also listen to the podcast here (you can find my portion about a quarter of the way into the podcast). Deacon Tom’s words about me are so sweet! (No joke, as I listened to it once it went live I couldn’t help but think, I really sound like THAT?! I say UM that often?! Talk about a humility check.)


Song of the week is…“On My Way” by Boyce Avenue. Holy. Smokes. Boyce Avenue is one of my new favorites to stalk! I’m pretty picky about covers, but I have yet to find a cover of theirs that I don’t like, and that is saying something. Anyone who can cover Katy Perry, Goo Goo Dolls, Lifehouse, Five for Fighting, Adele, John Mayer, and loads more has my respect. Look them up on YouTube – you won’t be disappointed!


Sweet, biblical goodness this week, coming to you straight from the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 5, verse 37: “Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the evil one.” I can’t say anything better than my friend Kristi did in her wonderful blog post about this verse. So, do yourself a favor and go read it here.

yes mean yes

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