
quick takes: new Pope!

Quick Takes


WE HAVE A NEW POPE! I literally started bouncing up and down when the white smoke poured out and could not sit down until he came out on the balcony, at which point I started crying! Not to mention the fact that when the “Adopt a Cardinal” website made its way around, I ended up with Cardinal Bergoglio, SJ to pray for! I joked to my friends that maybe that meant I should stop giving the Jesuits such a hard time! When it was announced that the cardinal I’ve been praying for was Pope Francis I could hardly contain myself! I feel like I know him already since I’ve been praying for him for weeks!

Where were you when the white smoke billowed? I’d love to hear your papal election stories!


You may have noticed a few changes on the site! The fonts have changed a little, if for some reason you can’t see them in your browser, please let me know (and let me know what browser you use)! Also, I got a new countdown for the sidebar – one that actually counts the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the book will be released ! I’m so gosh darn excited!


Speaking of the book…and when am I not?…I’ve accomplished a lot int the last week! I’ve edited all 16 chapters! Eleven of the chapters are now in the hands of some amazing folks who are editing them for me, please say some prayers for them! I also finalized the front and back covers of the book and formatted the inside!

I even ordered myself my first preview copy! Once I get the copy, if the cover looks okay, I will officially release the front cover here for y’all to see (and share)! I should get the copy in the mail on Wednesday!


feet-and-white-flowersI’ve written my posts for Holy Week already…and they are all about feet. There was something about the washing of the feet that really struck me, and now to learn that our new Holy Father washed the feet of kids with AIDS makes me even more sure about the feet-themed holy week posts. I hope you enjoy them!


I’m working another Confirmation retreat this Saturday! Please pray for the volunteers and the ~80 candidates on Saturday. Holy Spirit, come!


Song of the week is…We Exalt Your Name by Kari Jobe and Matt Maher!


This week it is time for Catechism-al awesomeness straight from paragraph 1147, “God speaks to man through the visible creation. The material cosmos is so presented to man’s intelligence that he can read there traces of its Creator. Light and darkness, wind and fire, water and earth, the tree and its fruit speak of God and symbolize both his greatness and his nearness.”
Go spend some time in God’s created world!

Until next time 😉

the truth behind the Habit.
why Forgive?