
quick takes: musically happy Edition.

Quick Takes


If it is still morning when you are reading this, then I am in my final hours of Vacation Bible School and the ten days of ministry chaos. The end is in sight and vacation is only one week away! Steubenville of the Rockies was a smashing success last weekend, my teens all loved it and can’t wait to go back next year! I’m constantly in awe of all that God is doing and throughout the retreat I couldn’t help but marvel at the God who calls me to ministry and then allows me to see Him working in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of teenagers. My job rocks, y’all.


O'Charley's rolls. I may or may not have taken a bag to the restaurant so I could take extra rolls on the plane last time I ate there. {I did.}

O’Charley’s rolls. I may or may not have taken a bag to the restaurant so I could take extra rolls on the plane last time I ate there. {I did.}

Serious question: how soon is too soon to start packing for vacation? God knows I’ve been working on my airplane/road trip playlist for…at least three weeks. It takes a while for me to narrow down all the songs I want to take with me to jam out to while I’m on the plane and road tripping all over the Carolinas. Also, I’m a list kind of girl, and I’ve been mentally making a list of all the yummy places that I want to eat at that just aren’t around in Colorado. It is pretty much the same list I have every time I visit the Carolinas, but man am I salivating at the thought of yummy food already! What are you favorite eats that you don’t normally get a chance to partake of?

And seriously, can I start packing yet?

Also, I’m half-heartedly looking for a book to read on vacation? Half-hearted because I always think I’ll read, but then I never do. Vacation is the time I allow myself to read something not-super edifying, i.e. Nicholas Sparks. More often than not I’m reading something spiritual, but vacation I tend to read things like…People magazine. Send your book suggestions my way!


Fear not, faithful blog readers! Yes, I’m going on vacation, but I’ve been a blogging maniac lately and I’ve got all kinds of new and wonderful blogs for you that will go up even whilst I’m bouncing around the coast (feel free to follow me on Instagram, where I’m sure to be posting lovely pictures!). Not that you were necessarily sitting in your chair saying, “OH MY GOODNESS!! How can she go on vacation and how will I survive without her brilliant and insightful blog posts?!?!” But, you know, a blogger can dream. 😉


You get two songs of the week…again. Mostly because I’m just stuck on these two songs (this one and QT #6), so you get to enjoy both of them! “Wagon Wheel” by Darius Rucker is up first. So. Darn. Catchy.


Quote from the book (which now has TWO five star ratings on Amazon):

“The irony is that being weak actually helps us to be strong, because by being weak, by admitting our faults and our shortcomings, we are able to depend more fully on Him, the source of infinite strength. As women of worth, we are called to be clothed with strength, which actually means that we are clothed in His strength.”
That quote is from the chapter that makes me cry every time I read it. Perhaps someday I’ll reveal some of my secrets behind the chapters…or maybe I’ll just let you enjoy them and keep the secrets to myself 😉


Song of the week number two is…“El Cerrito Place” by Kenny Chesney. This song has quite literally been on repeat for a solid week now (when I’m not listening to Wagon Wheel). There’s just something wonderfully haunting about someone looking for you, even after two days…


This week’s Year of Faith Quick Take goes to…the Catechism! This section just blew my mind when I read it this week…
“The way of perfection passes by way of the Cross. There is no holiness without renunciation and spiritual battle.” – CCC 2015

Until next time 😉

just don't say it: guys and Singlehood.
the meaning of Gifts.