May in rewind:
The book came out.
It has been doing so well that it is STILL on sale on Amazon.
The blog broke its own record for the busiest day ever.
First with “just don’t say it: Singlehood” and then again with “raise your Standards.”
The blog has never seen as much traffic as it has in the last month.
Looking back, it is pretty hard to say this was a bad month. Actually, it has been one of the best months of my life, and you’ve all been a part of it! I’m so grateful for each and every one of you!
Speaking of the book (and when am I not?)…if you would be so, so kind as to write a review of the book on Amazon when you finish reading it, I would SO appreciate it! The reviews just help the book get some more attention, and it is nice to hear from people other than me 😉 I can’t wait to read about your thoughts on the book!
Last Friday I hosted my second release party! Because, well, I wrote a book, so why not celebrate? It was so much fun, so I thought I’d share some pictures with you lovely readers!

Cake worthy…of being eaten!

This picture just makes me laugh…because I have absolutely no idea what is going on in it!

My grandpa and I!

My family and I! Look at my cute matching parents!
June. I can hardly believe it is almost here! May always seems to be a crazy stressful and jam packed month, so I’m kind of excited for June. I feel like I’m finally getting a chance to catch my breath and enjoy life a little more without feeling like I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off. What about you, are you ready for summer? Am I alone in my thought that May is always a crazy month? I’d love to hear about your summer plans!
Book quotes are in! You voted in last week’s quick takes (and no one objected), so each week Quick Take #5 will be a quote from “the book” (because I ominously refer to it as “the” book quite often!). This week’s quote is from the first section of the book in which I discuss the lies that Satan tries to sell women on.
“C. S. Lewis also recognized that even when our hearts are locked away they can, and still do, change. We think that our hearts are safe in that “dark, motionless, airless” coffin. We think our hearts are done changing. They may be done hurting (or so Satan leads us to believe) but they are not done changing. Inside that coffin our hearts become “unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable.” Our hearts become a steel cage, cold, unwelcoming, uninviting and all together uninspiring. Our hearts no longer point to the God who created us, now they point to the one who enslaves us.”
Where is your heart pointing?
Song of the week is brought to you this week by…(does it sound like I’m announcing a sponsor for the blog?)…Switchfoot! I’ve been on a big Switchfoot kick the last couple of days, and this one always tugs at my heart:
“The Economy of Mercy” by Switchfoot
In the economy of mercy, I am a poor and begging man…
Quick Take #7 (a.k.a. The Year of Faith Quick Take) has been heavy in Scripture lately. This week I’m turning it over to the Catechism, because it is so full of wisdom and thought-provoking goodness.
“The most fundamental passion is love, aroused by the attraction of the good…this movement finds completion in the pleasure and joy of the good possessed…’To love is to will the good of another’ (Aquinas). All other affections have their source in this first movement of the human heart toward the good.” – CCC 1765-1766
Until next time 😉