
quick takes: actual vacation Edition!

Quick Takes


VACATION! I think that’s enough said about that, right? You know that’s where I’m at (you know, my undisclosed location), and we can move on from there, right? Okay, I’m glad you agree.


Ever since I finished reading Pride & Prejudice I’ve been thinking about this quote:
P and P Lizzy and Darcy“You showed me how insufficient were all my pretensions to please a woman worthy of being pleased.” – Mr. Darcy
How beautiful is that? In the presence of Elizabeth, in awe of her, Mr. Darcy sees how insufficient all of his ways of pleasing her are and he sees how worthy she is of being pleased. Seeing how insufficient all of his efforts are he doesn’t give up, he redoubles his efforts to please her and to pursue her. He has to become worthy of her.


Have you read Lumen Fidei yet? I read it while I was on the plane last week and ate up every word of it. It is SO good and so full of beauty and wisdom and plenty of things to chew on. Go read it already!


Fun tales from life in the South (a.k.a. vacation):

  • High rise to someone from Colorado = tall building. High rise to someone in coastal Carolina = tall bridge that goes over water.
  • People actually talk to you at gas stations while you are pumping gas…and it isn’t creepy.
  • Dancing around in the rain and jumping in puddles (it really is fun, Jen!)
  • God does not want me to tan. I was sunburnt on Tuesday and you can barely tell I have a tan now. Boo that.
  • Celebrating St. Benedict’s feast day by hanging out with Trappist monks was pretty darn awesome!
  • Expect more pictures from my vacation in next week’s quick takes! (Be sure to follow me on Instagram – I’ve got tons of fun pictures there! Won’t you join me in the hashtag #whereIwenttoMasstoday? I’m having fun with it!)


Quote from the book this week comes from…well, the book. 😉

“I wanted love but I didn’t know how to find it. I wanted love but I didn’t want the risk of putting my heart on the line, of opening up to someone and being truly vulnerable. To me, love simply wasn’t worth the risk. I wanted a guarantee that if I put my heart out there that it would be safe, and that it would never be broken. I wanted to know, beyond the shadow of a doubt that my vulnerability, my willingness to fall in love would be rewarded. I wanted all of the reward and none of the risk.”

A bit from my own story, can you relate?

ALSO – check out this wonderful and beautiful review of my book! How sweet is that? 🙂

ALSO ALSO – the book now has FOUR five star reviews on Amazon! Would you consider writing a review once you finish the book? I’d just love it!


Song of the week is…Always Gonna Be You by Kenny Chesney. The song is so beautifully haunting and it just sticks with you. If you aren’t sold on the song, just listen to Kenny talk about what he thinks the song is about. So. True.


Catechism…it is rocking my socks off lately! Read it!

“Atheism is often based on a false conception of human autonomy, exaggerated to the point of refusing any dependence on God. Yet, “to acknowledge God is in no way to oppose the dignity of man, since such dignity is grounded and brought to perfection in God. . . . ” “For the Church knows full well that her message is in harmony with the most secret desires of the human heart.” – Paragraph 2126

The Church, founded on Jesus Christ, knows that her message is in harmony with the most secret, most unspoken desires of the human heart. So beautiful!

Until next time 😉

dear younger Self.
there is fear in Love.