It is the lovely time again, time for What I Wore Sunday, and the great return of PURPLE!
This week’s attempt to plan out my outfit in advance was a colossal fail. I had an idea in my head but didn’t actually make sure it would work until 10:30pm Saturday evening, regardless of the fact that I needed to be out of the house by 8am in order to make it to choir practice on time (woohoo!). In the Advent season of liturgical matchiness I think I’ve saved the best for last:

My attempt at posing like a model…
The deets:
LBD (Little Black Dress): Target – $10
Purple shawl/cover thingy: Ross…maybe. Price..??
Argyle tights: Target – $8
Wedges: Some discount store in NC – $11
I seriously love these tights, I love argyle, I love black and purple, and they actually keep my legs WARM (which is a must when you live in Colorado and there is word that we may actually have a white Christmas!)! The tights are easily my favorite part of this outfit because they are just so much fun to wear!

Apparently I had a flair for the dramatic today…

Then I got goofy!

A close up of the AWESOME tights!
Now to figure out what I’m wearing to Christmas Masses (because Heaven forbid I only go to one, I’ve volunteered to play at one and then attend midnight Mass with the family)! It is hard to believe that the fourth week of Advent is really only 2ish days long – so enjoy these last few days of Advent, may your hearts and souls truly be readied for the coming of the Christ child!
Be sure to check out Fine Linen & Purple for more lovely (and handsome!) Mass outfits!