
my attire on Sunday (vol. 4)

What I Wore SundayLast week I wrote about how I pick my outfit for Sunday out a few days in advance and then put it in a special place as a way to prepare myself for Sunday Mass. This week, that was a little harder, for two reasons. First, this past Thursday I had an Advent Formal with my middle schoolers and we joined up with 4 other parishes for it! It was a blast, there were well over 70 teens there to celebrate the Advent season! That also means that my dress for said formal was hanging in front of my Sunday outfit for most of the week. (And no, I didnโ€™t take any pictures of my dress at the formalโ€ฆ) Reason number two that my pre-picking my outfit didnโ€™t work out was because it changed. A lot. I can be pretty stubborn as a Colorado girl and I donโ€™t always want the weather to affect my Mass outfit. However, I had a dress picked out and planned to wear a shrug with it, but as I watched the forecasted high plummet from 40 to a whopping 19 degrees, I knew I had to forego the dress-with-short-sleeved-shrug idea.

Soโ€ฆhereโ€™s what you get:


Top: Kohlโ€™s ($8, clearance rack + 20% off coupon)
Pants: Kohlโ€™s (years agoโ€ฆI donโ€™t remember the price!)
Shoes: Payless Boots ($30)

The liturgically matchiness continues! This week I caved. I can remember only one other occasion in the last eight months or so when I have worn pants to a Sunday Mass. (Excluding retreats with my teens because that is an entirely different ballgame.) I am SO not condemning ladies who wear pants to Mass. I just love the feeling of wearing skirts and dresses and being girly for my dinner date with Jesus. But, with the lovely high of nineteen, I had to change the game plan (nor did that top look good with any skirt I own). However, the pants have this awesome shiny quality about them, and the top is flowy and feminine so I went with it. And I was warm. Mission accomplished!

The belt up close!

The belt up close!

The awesome earrings (Charming Charlies - $10)

The awesome earrings (Charming Charlies โ€“ $10)

Tune in for next weekโ€™s edition in which I will actually wear pink (*GASP*โ€ฆI not-so-secretly donโ€™t like wearing pink. I own exactly three pink shirts and only wear them on special occasions)!

In other newsโ€ฆif you like shopping on Kohlโ€™s lovely website, feel free to use the code โ€œTENBLOGโ€ when you check out and save 10% on your order! Thanks Kohlโ€™sโ€ฆbecause you donโ€™t already have enough of my money ๐Ÿ˜‰ (I get no profit for you using said code, I just like to pass along the savings!)

Be sure to visit the ladies at Fine Linen & Purple for more great Sunday Mass outfits! We even had our first gentleman join the link up last week!

The out-takes: the one in which the shirt ate my arms!

The out-takes: the one in which the shirt ate my arms!

quick takes: Growth!
the agony of the End.