
holy husband Finder.

holy husband finderIt was a little more than a year ago today that St. Joseph (whose feast day is Wednesday, by the way) began pulling on my heart. I can hardly find the words to tell you but he was suddenly everywhere. In my prayers, in holy cards Iā€™d long since lost, his statues were everywhere, he was just there. All the time. When his feast day rolled around last year I had a stunningly clear sense that I needed to pray for St. Josephā€™s intercession for my future husband. I didnā€™t know why, but I began praying every day for his intercession for my future husband, that he would keep my husband safe and pure, that he would prepare my husbandā€™s heart for me, for marriage, for fatherhood, and for all that was and is to come.

Two weeks after I really started to pray for St. Josephā€™s intercession, the guy I was dating at the time broke up with me. While I was hurt, I trusted that even this was in St. Josephā€™s hands and that he was getting me closer to the one I was to marry. Three weeks after the break up, Anthony asked me out for our first date. It might sound fast, but the truth was that I had always found Anthony attractive in more ways than one and I couldnā€™t have been more excited that he, this man Iā€™d been admiring for well over a year, wanted to take ME out on a date! I kept praying for St. Josephā€™s intercession, still not knowing what would come and I asked good ole Joe to keep an eye out for my future husband.

On our second date I brought up the totally Catholic conversation topic of Confirmation saints. I told Anthony about how I picked St. Rose because I liked her name, and I actually thought she was a little crazy. I mean really, who rubs PEPPER on their faces to make themselves undesirable to men?! I nervously rambled on about St. Rose as Anthony and I rode bikes and I tried (and probably failed) to make it seem like I was totally in shape and the bike ride wasnā€™t killing me. (Fun story: sitting for the next two days was a painful experience. I was so not ready for what he called a ā€œshortā€ bike ride.) When I finally quit yammering on about St. Rose so that I could effortlessly catch my breath as we crested yet another hill, Anthony told me who he picked as his Confirmation saint: Saint Joseph. I kid you not, I almost fell off my bike. It was as if St. Joseph was saying, ā€œSee, Iā€™ve been tugging on your heart and watching out for your future husband and here he is! Youā€™re welcome.ā€

I told my mom that story a few days later. My mom doesnā€™t always see signs like I see signs, but even she admitted how cool that all was and what a sign that was. I was floored! It wasnā€™t until after Anthony proposed that I told him about how much St. Joseph had been after me, and how floored I was when he explained why he chose St. Joseph as his Confirmation saint.

So this week, preparing for the feast of St. Joseph, I canā€™t help but be grateful for his intercession and for finding me such a holy husband-to-be. As I eagerly count down the days to our wedding Iā€™m even more grateful for St. Josephā€™s intercession and for the ways he continues to prepare Anthony for husbandhood (go with it, I just invented the word) and fatherhood, and for the ways he prepares both of our hearts for marriage and parenthood so that we can imitate Joseph, Mary, and Jesus ā€“ the perfect, holy family.

St. Joseph, pray for us!

avoid what leads to Sin.
have Mercy.