
favorite Prayers.

favorite Prayers.

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Thanks for checking out the link-up! Feel free to add your post to the collection below, but first, a few rules:

{1} Your post must link back to this post. You can do that by including a link in your post or using the image above and setting it to link here (to this specific post, not simply

{2} Your post must contain a prayer. It can be a prayer youโ€™ve written or a prayer youโ€™ve found and love. Your post should also say a little something about why you love that prayer!

{3} Spread the word about the link-up! It will run through Easter Sunday โ€“ check back often for more amazing and inspirational prayers!

My favorite prayer (lately โ€“ because, letโ€™s be honest, could I pick my favorite prayer of all time? No.):

Lord, soften my heart. Make Your dwelling within its walls. Teach me to love as You love. Prepare my heart for all that You are calling me to.

I find that lately prayer works best in short phrases I can latch on to and repeat until Iโ€™m calm or rational or relaxed. Each one of those phrases gets repeated throughout my days. My heart can be so easily hardened to hearing Godโ€™s voice that I constantly need to pray that my heart would be softened and opening to hearing and seeing Him moving in my life.

I desperately long for God to dwell in my heart and for Him to feel truly at home there. It is, after all, His creation, so shouldnโ€™t He feel at home there? I sure hope so!

God knows Iโ€™m imperfect at a lot of things, especially loving others how He calls me to. I imagine myself sitting at His feet, listening attentively as He teaches me and shows me how to love as He does โ€“ unconditionally and without counting the cost. It is a going to be a life-long lesson.

St. Catherine of Siena is credited with saying that if we are who God created us to be, then we will set the world on fire. Heโ€™s got big plans in store for me and for you. Iโ€™m hoping the journey to those big plans is nice and calm and smooth. No matter what the road looks like, Iโ€™m praying that each day, with each breath I take, He is preparing me to do His will more perfectly.

building Bliss.
sharing Agape.