
a time for Thanks.

a time for ThanksIt is time again for my annual (3rd annual?!) Thanksgiving blog. Last year I wrote about how I was thankful for blogging, singlehood, sisterhood, and prayer. It is interesting to look back and think that those were the things that I was most grateful for a year ago. Not that Iā€™m not grateful for those things now, but a year changes how I look at things. Without further ado, this yearā€™s top five:

Love. It comes in many forms, but no matter how it presents itself, Iā€™m grateful for it. Iā€™m grateful for the love of God above all, for His mercy and faithfulness to me and all of His children. Iā€™m grateful for the love of my parents and family, for the ways that they support and encourage me. Iā€™m grateful for the love of friends and the fellowship I find with so many wonderful people in my life. Iā€™m grateful that love, as Saint Paul puts it, is the bond of perfection, that it covers sins and heals our hearts.

God. It might seem that He should be at the top of the list, but if you remember the words of Saint John, He is. On a surface level, Iā€™m grateful for the untold and countless blessings that He pours into my life. But beyond what He does for me, Iā€™m grateful for who He is, for His unending and unconditional love. Iā€™m grateful for His goodness, for His existence, and for His constant challenge to me to be holier and better than I already am. Iā€™m grateful that He sees me, that He sees beyond my sin and loves the goodness He created within me.

My job. Letā€™s be real, my job is awesome. It has trying days, but working with little kids and their parents and teaching them about the faith? Could it get any better? Not to undercut the years I worked in youth ministry, but I think that God knew this was my dream job long before I ever did. He prepared my heart and my life for it in more ways than I ever realized.

Music. Iā€™m always grateful for music in my life, but I love the way that it stirs my heart and moves me beyond myself. It provides comfort and solace, an outlet for joy, and it puts words to the movements of my heart.

Mary. Ever since completing my consecration to Mary, Iā€™ve continued to grow closer to her. Iā€™m forever grateful for her example of perfect womanhood, her love, her motherhood, and her care. She inspires me in more ways than I can count and constantly draws me closer to the heart of her Son.

May your Thanksgiving be blessed as He pours His abundant graces into your life.

What are you thankful for?

deep Wounds.
beyond the Fear.