
a giant thank You.

People. We’re less than 48 hours away from my wedding and as I sit, trying not to count each millisecond, I’m blown away by the generosity of so many people. Whether you’ll be there in body or in spirit, I want to take a minute or two to thank some pretty special people:

My Parents.

I literally wouldn’t be here without them. Without their example of selfless married love, I’m fairly sure my thoughts on marriage and fidelity wouldn’t be what they are today. So much of my confidence in marriage and love comes from you two, who, with each passing day, show me how love endures. I love you and words can hardly express how proud I am to be your daughter. I’ll always be your baby girl.

My Maid of Honor.

We’ve been through a lot together over the years, and I’m so excited you’ll be right there with me on my wedding day. We’ve seen each other through heartache and joy, hope and despair. You’ve been incredible throughout all of the planning and been a sister to me for years. I’m honored you’ll be my maid of honor, but even more grateful that you are my friend.

My Bridesmaid.

I still laugh at the fact that you may forever hold it over my head that you interviewed my for my first youth ministry position. If you hadn’t liked me then, I may never have become a youth minister and may never had met Anthony. So, in that sense, I suppose I owe you an eternal debt of gratitude. Your joy for life is a constant source of inspiration for me. Thanks for interviewing me all those years ago, hanging out with me at youth group, but most of all, thanks for being my friend.

My Readers.

Your prayers are the most amazing gift a girl could ever ask for. Some of you have been with me since the beginning of the blog, others have joined in later. Regardless of when you joined the party, I feel like we’ve traveled a lot of miles together and I’m grateful for your prayers, love, and support over the years. Thanks for sticking with me and for lifting Anthony and I up in prayer, especially as we’ve been preparing for marriage.

My Husband-to-be.

Where would I be without you? Though I’ve written you countless letters, words never seem to suffice, which is perhaps why I keep writing. Thank you for seeing me and loving me as I am. Thank you for challenging me to be more holy with each breath I take. Thank you for being you: funny, charming, humorous, charitable, kind, good-hearted, holy, tender, compassionate and loving. For the days that I’m less than perfect, just remember these words: I love you and I couldn’t be more honored that you asked me to be your wife.

A Final Note

The Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, this *should* be my last post as an unmarried gal. If, by some likely occurrence, I can’t sleep, you may get just one more out of me. Starting next week I’ve got some fabulous guest posts scheduled. I’ve asked some wonderful friends of mine to reflect on the wedding vows (fitting, no?) while I honeymoon and settle into married life. I hope you enjoy the guests posts as I temporarily hand over the reigns. I’ll be back to regular blogging after mid-July (I’ve got some posts scheduled that I obviously wrote before the wedding, but I should be back to real-time-ish blogging by the end of July). Please continue to keep Anthony and I in your prayers!

on the meaning of Words.
fifty-seven Weeks.